Hlo guys, I am back with an some other intersting topic......... ****************************SIEM TOOLS**************************** Now,let me tell ..... 1).What is SIEM means..?? At a basic level, a security information and event management (SIEM) solution is designed to ingest all data from across your enterprise, normalize the data to make it searchable, analyze th at data for anomalies, and then investigate events and remediate incidents to kick out attackers. 2).What challenges we have in SIEM tools..?? --> Complex Architectures Increase the Ways Attackers Can Gain Access Organizations are using a more distributed architecture than ever before. The more complex an architecture, the more cracks a sophisticated attacker can utilize. This increases the company’s risk of a cybersecurity incident. --> Enterprises Generate More Data Than a Human Can Review in Time To Stop an Attack When monitoring for suspicious activity, there is more data to process than any number of anal...